68 research outputs found

    An Application of Fuzzy Inductive Logic Programming for Textual Entailment and Value Mining

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    The aim of this preliminary report is to give an overview of textual entailment in natural language processing (NLP), to present our approach to research and to explain the possible applications for such a system. Our system presupposes several modules, namely the sentiment analysis module, the anaphora resolution module, the named entity recognition module and the relationship extraction module. State-of-the-art modules will be used but no amount of research will go into this. The research focuses on the main module that extracts background knowledge from the extracted relationships via resolution and inverse resolution (inductive logic programming). The last part focuses on possible economic applications of our research

    Analytical approach to the influence of motivation on the dynamics of heterogeneous employees and expected average costs of efficient work

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    Motivating employees with different characteristics has a significant effect on company performance. This paper models the relationship between employer and heterogeneous employees working in pairs as a principal-agent problem. Every worker can encounter moral hazard with regard to the stimulation of the employer and the efficient work of co-workers. Employee behavior describes a reaction function based on which the equilibrium of appropriate pairs of employees and their overall effective performance is described. The employer determines the optimal stimulation that minimizes the expected average cost of effective work for each individual group of employees. The total expected average cost of efficient work of the entire company in the short run depends on the distribution of employees with different characteristics. How the attitude of employees towards work in the long run changes is described by replicative dynamics and shows that the stability of the employee population is achieved in two cases where the long-run total expected average cost of efficient work is differentiated by approximately eight percent. This paper describes a new conceptual framework for quantitative analysis of the effects of motivation on the short and long run financial results of an enterprise

    Međunarodna sigurnost : primjena strukturiranih analitičkih tehnika u predviđanjima

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    Umijeće analiziranja jest umijeće postavljanja pitanja, a ne traženja odgovora. Pritom je dodatni izazov točno i pravovremeno predviđati. Ali, istraživanja pokazuju da je točnost predviđanja izuzetno mala. Koja su to kognitivna ograničenja i ā€žzamkeā€ koje značajno otežavaju analizu? Å to su obrasci očekivanja, a Å”to je učinak ustrajnosti? ZaÅ”to i kako heuristike i pristranosti, logičke pogreÅ”ke i mentalni sklop utječu na kvalitetu i preciznost rjeÅ”avanja problema, predviđanja, odlučivanja? ZaÅ”to izbjegavamo analitičke strukture? Å to je satisficing? Å to se događa kada naÅ” um koristi prečac temeljen na uzorku, Å”to znači kada kažemo da ljudski um funkcionira analogički, a ne logički? Metodologija koja se preporučuje za svladavanje tih prepreka jest eksternalizacija i dekompozicija problema, a podrazumijeva ā€žizbacivanjeā€ problema iz glave zapisivanjem na papir u pojednostavljenom obliku koji prikazuje raŔčlambu problema na glavne elemente i njihov međusobni odnos. Upravo je to princip na kojem se temelje strukturirane odnosno analitičke (problem-solving) tehnike. Za točnija predviđanja u području međunarodne sigurnosti važno je ispravno adresirati prijetnje i suvremene izazove, a to je pravovremeno moguće sagledati i savladati samo primjenom problem-solving tehnika

    Croatian Emotional Speech Analyses on a Basis of Acoustic and Linguistic Features

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    Acoustic and linguistic speech features are used for emotional state estimation of utterances collected within the Croatian emotional speech corpus. Analyses are performed for the classification of 5 discrete emotions, i.e. happiness, sadness, fear, anger and neutral state, as well as for the estimation of two emotional dimensions: valence and arousal. Acoustic and linguistic cues of emotional speech are analyzed separately, and are also combined in two types of fusion: a feature level fusion and a decision level fusion. The Random Forest method is used for all analyses, with the combination of Info Gain feature selection method for classification tasks and Univariate Linear Regression method for regression tasks. The main hypothesis is confirmed, i.e. an increase of classification accuracy is achieved in the cases of fusion analyses (compared with separate acoustic or linguistic feature sets usages), as well as a decrease of root mean squared error when estimating emotional dimensions. Most of other hypothesis are also confirmed, which suggest that acoustic and linguistic cues of Croatian language are showing similar behavior as other languages in the context of emotional impact on speech

    Primjena inovacijskog motora na primjeru nastave matematike

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    Posljednje izdanje izvjeŔća Svjetskog gospodarskog foruma o budućnosti poslova navodi analitičko miÅ”ljenje i inovativnost, sposobnost aktivnog učenja, rjeÅ”avanje kompleksnih problema, kreativnost i kritičko miÅ”ljenje kao najvažnije vjeÅ”tine na tržiÅ”ta rada u razdoblju do 2025. godine. Vrijeme pandemije dokazalo je kako upravo zahvaljujući navedenim vjeÅ”tinama možemo unaprijediti posao, spasiti tvrtku ili zadržati radno mjesto, a značajno je ubrzalo i digitalizaciju i automatizaciju poslovnih procesa te koriÅ”tenje digitalnih alata u svakodnevnim aktivnostima. U ovom radu fokus je na kreativnosti i na inovativnim metodama poticanja imaginacije. Na primjerima iz prakse pokazali smo mogućnosti uvođenja Inovacijskog motora u nastavu matematike u segmentu poticanja imaginacije i divergentnog miÅ”ljenja kod učenika te njihove reakcije i rjeÅ”enja

    Primjena inovacijskog motora na primjeru nastave matematike

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    Posljednje izdanje izvjeŔća Svjetskog gospodarskog foruma o budućnosti poslova navodi analitičko miÅ”ljenje i inovativnost, sposobnost aktivnog učenja, rjeÅ”avanje kompleksnih problema, kreativnost i kritičko miÅ”ljenje kao najvažnije vjeÅ”tine na tržiÅ”ta rada u razdoblju do 2025. godine. Vrijeme pandemije dokazalo je kako upravo zahvaljujući navedenim vjeÅ”tinama možemo unaprijediti posao, spasiti tvrtku ili zadržati radno mjesto, a značajno je ubrzalo i digitalizaciju i automatizaciju poslovnih procesa te koriÅ”tenje digitalnih alata u svakodnevnim aktivnostima. U ovom radu fokus je na kreativnosti i na inovativnim metodama poticanja imaginacije. Na primjerima iz prakse pokazali smo mogućnosti uvođenja Inovacijskog motora u nastavu matematike u segmentu poticanja imaginacije i divergentnog miÅ”ljenja kod učenika te njihove reakcije i rjeÅ”enja

    Primjena Benfordovog zakona u otkrivanju računovodstvenih prijevara

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    Benfordov zakon ili zakon prve znamenke prvi je put otkriven 1881. godine. Prema njemu, vodeće znamenke u mnogim skupovima podataka pratit će logaritamsku distribuciju, a ne uniformnu distribuciju, odnosno znamenke 1 i 9 u nekom skupu podataka neće imati istu vjerojatnost pojavljivanja. Godine 1992. Mark Nigirini započinje prvu ozbiljnu primjernu Benfordovog zakona u otkrivanju računovodstvenih prijevara. Računovodstvene prijevare i manipulacije rezultat su ljudske ā€žintervencije u brojeveā€œ, a ti brojevi nikada neće biti odabrani slučajno, već ciljano te samim time neće pratiti Benfordovu distribuciju. Cilj ovog rada bio je teoretski objasniti kako Benfordov zakon može otkriti prijevare i manipulacije brojevima te na praktičnom primjeru, empirijski istražiti manipulira li druÅ”tvo ā€žABCā€œ ulaznim računima. Rezultati istraživanja testirani su Hi-kvadrat testom, Z-score testom i testom maksimalnog apsolutnog odstupanja te su pokazali veliko odstupanje od Benfordove distribucije. Daljnjom analizom prikazani su sumnjivi računi koje je potrebno dodatno istražiti

    High-dispersion absorption-line spectroscopy of AE Aqr

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    High-dispersion time-resolved spectroscopy of the unique magnetic cataclysmic variable AE Aqr is presented. A radial velocity analysis of the absorption lines yields K2= 168.7 Ā± 1 km sāˆ’1. Substantial deviations of the radial velocity curve from a sinusoid are interpreted in terms of intensity variations over the secondary star's surface. A complex rotational velocity curve as a function of orbital phase is detected which has a modulation frequency of twice the orbital frequency, leading to an estimate of the binary inclination angle that is close to 70Ā°. The minimum and maximum rotational velocities are used to indirectly derive a mass ratio of q= 0.6 and a radial velocity semi-amplitude of the white dwarf of K1= 101 Ā± 3 km sāˆ’1. We present an atmospheric temperature indicator, based on the absorption-line ratio of Fe I and Cr I lines, whose variation indicates that the secondary star varies from K0 to K4 as a function of orbital phase. The ephemeris of the system has been revised, using more than 1000 radial velocity measurements, published over nearly five decades. From the derived radial velocity semi-amplitudes and the estimated inclination angle, we calculate that the masses of the stars are M1= 0.63 Ā± 0.05 MāŠ™; M2= 0.37 Ā± 0.04 MāŠ™, and their separation is a= 2.33 Ā± 0.02 RāŠ™. Our analysis indicates the presence of a late-type star whose radius is larger, by a factor of nearly 2, than the radius of a normal main-sequence star of the same mass. Finally, we discuss the possibility that the measured variations in the rotational velocity, temperature and spectral type of the secondary star as functions of orbital phase may, like the radial velocity variations, be attributable to regions of enhanced absorption on the star's surface

    Absolute properties of the low-mass eclipsing binary CM Draconis

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    Spectroscopic and eclipsing binary systems offer the best means for determining accurate physical properties of stars, including their masses and radii. The data available for low-mass stars have yielded firm evidence that stellar structure models predict smaller radii and higher effective temperatures than observed, but the number of systems with detailed analyses is still small. In this paper we present a complete reanalysis of one of such eclipsing systems, CM Dra, composed of two dM4.5 stars. New and existing light curves as well as a radial velocity curve are modeled to measure the physical properties of both components. The masses and radii determined for the components of CM Dra are M1=0.2310+/-0.0009 Msun, M2=0.2141+/-0.0010 Msun, R1=0.2534+/-0.0019 Rsun, and R2=0.2396+/-0.0015 Rsun. With relative uncertainties well below the 1% level, these values constitute the most accurate properties to date for fully convective stars. This makes CM Dra a valuable benchmark for testing theoretical models. In comparing our measurements with theory, we confirm the discrepancies reported previously for other low-mass eclipsing binaries. These discrepancies seem likely to be due to the effects of magnetic activity. We find that the orbit of this system is slightly eccentric, and we have made use of eclipse timings spanning three decades to infer the apsidal motion and other related properties.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
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